Op 27 augustus zal de Rotterdamse band Face Tomorrow een huiskamerconcert geven bij ons aan het Nijend. Dit concert is één van de drie concerten die door Live in your Living room worden georganiseerd voor deze tour. Face Tomorrow zal deze avond nummers ten gehore brengen van hun nieuwe album. Ze spelen stevige rock afgewisseld met prachtige ballads. Face Tomorrow heeft gespeeld op grote festivals als Lowlands en Noorderslag. Muziekblad Oor kwalificeerde Face Tomorrow onlangs nog als één van de beste bands van Nederland.
Nog niet zo lang geleden speelden ze in De Wereld Draait Door.
Snakes & Ladders
Uiteraard kan iedereen de huisconcerten van Live in Your Living Room bezoeken. Om iedereen te kunnen voorzien van koffie, koek, wijn, bier of fris wordt er een entreeprijs geheven van 10,– euro. Reserveren kan via Live in Your Living Room. (Ga in de Agenda naar 27 augustus en kies reserveren). Dit systeem van betaling is noodzakelijk vanwege de voor-investering in versnaperingen en vanwege de beperkte capaciteit. Wees er snel bij.
Koffie: 19.30 uur Aanvang: 20.00 uur Locatie: Nijend 24 Anderen
Face Tomorrow
Both influenced by 90’s emo mainstays as Sunny Day Real Estate, Quicksand and At The Drive In as Deftones, Radiohead, Muse and the Foo Fighters, Face Tomorrow have been mastering their skills for over a decade to come to a sound all of their own. Their first three albums and most notably their last album “In The Dark”, released by Excelsior Recordings/V2 in 2008, allowed them to play over 500 shows and brought them through Germany, the UK, Belgium, Denmark, France, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, the Czech republic, the USA and big festivals like Lowlands, Pukkelpop, Paaspop, Groezrock, got them airplay on a.o. Kerrang TV, MTV 2, Jim TV, TMF Belgium and Studio Brussel. Gaining both a European audience as growing as musicians with every album. In between all this the band recorded a brand new album in the famous Split Second Sound Studios in Amsterdam with producer Jochem Jacobs (mostly known form his band Textures). Jochem succeeded in finally catching the live power and energy of the band on cd. Darius van Helfteren was responsible for the mastering.
The new CD “Face Tomorrow” sounds very positive and hopeful compared to the melancholic appropriately titled In the Dark. During the writing process of the latter, both Jelle and Aart lost their father, which of course had a great impact on their life and the lyrics of the band. The new album shows a band that has overcome the Dark and is happy to be able to embrace life fully again.
(Bron: www.facetomorrow.net)